South Florida Mom Bloggers

Recap SFL Moms: ‘Etsy vs Shopify’ January Meetup

On January 25, 2020, the South Florida Mom Bloggers got together to learn about “Etsy vs Shopify.”

Food and Beverage

The meetup took place at The Cocinita Miami where we were provided with delicious vegan lite bites, accompanied by some delicious and healthy tea from Nani’s Healthy Food.

Our Speakers

Johana Arocha

Johana Arocha is a Web Developer, Mompreneur, and owner of The Branding Store – a Digital Agency that helps small businesses create and monetize their ideas on the internet.  She uses her more than 10 years of experience as an ecommerce specialist to run workshops and seminars.

Carolina Maggi

Carolina is a multimedia producer, digital media specialist and educator. She loves creating content that educates the consumer in different aspects of their lifestyle. She is deeply passionate about sharing knowledge in topics such as family lifestyle, education & digital marketing.

During her 15+ years of experience she has worked in Television, writing and producing content for traditional and digital platforms, optimizing content for marketing efforts in small businesses, creating content and events targeted to moms and lately she is training small business owners in how to optimize their digital efforts in order to take their business to the next level in her online school

Her main goal is to work with entrepreneurs that understand that an educated and a well taken care of customer equals more conversions and profits. She thinks the best way to do this, is producing amazing content and providing unforgettable experiences at event activations.

Her Motto is, “Let’s work smarter not harder!”

Etsy vs Shopify

Since we were a smaller group, we each went around introducing ourselves and talking about our businesses.

Then, our speakers began talking about their preferred e-commerce platforms. 

Carolina gave us facts and tips on how to maximize our use of Etsy.

Then Johana presented the advantages of using Shopify to create and manage your own ecommerce site.

After we learned all about Etsy and Shopify, we did some great giveaways!


Johana won a piece from emme jewelry.

And Carolina gave everyone an Etsy Store Opening Checklist!

Thank you!

Thank you to our hosts, speakers, our sponsors, and to everyone who came to spend some time with like minded entrepreneurial women!

See you at the next one!

Big Thanks to Our Sponsors

Nicklaus Children's Hospital Sponsors the South Florida Mom Bloggers
Nani's Healthy Food Sponsors the South Florida Mom Bloggers
Kepen Tea and Salads Sponsors the South Florida Mom Bloggers

Odalys Quevedo About Author

Odalys Quevedo is a copywriter, blogger, and content creator. She advocates for self-love and self-compassion. Her main goal is to connect with others through her writing. Join her on her journey through life and motherhood at her blog, and on Instagram at

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