Ever since our Video Editing 101 Workshop you have been requesting for a Video Editing 102 and your wish has been granted! Lynnette Cantos is back to give us a more in depth tutorial in regards to video editing so come prepare with your laptops, notebooks, and chargers. In two hours Lynnette will teach you how to edit, trim, apply music, and more. If you loved her Video Editing 101 meet-up you will definitely love this meet-up.
RSVP Your Spot
The community has also been requesting a meet-up on the weekday and for 2020 we are making it happen. Our first weekday meet-up will take place Wednesday, February 26th from 6:30PM – 8:30PM at Venture X Downtown Orlando .
Our Speaker: Lynnette Cantos

Lynnette Cantos is a digital content producer for the Orlando Sentinel who handles the website, newsletter and social media accounts as part of the newsroom’s audience engagement team. She was born and raised in Puerto Rico but has lived in the Sunshine State for over a decade. In her spare time, she enjoys working on her blog and Youtube channel, bullet journaling, traveling with her partner and cuddling with her cat.
Get Your Tickets
A ticket will be required to attend due to space capacity.

Thank-you to Venture X Downtown Orlando for hosting us!
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