On Thursday, November 18th the DC Bloggers gathered at Macy’s at Pentagon City Center to hear Lisa and Liz of @occasionallyluxe and @espressofied speak about Important Tips of Blogger Etiquette. Lisa and Liz kept it real and gave us the 411 on how to continue to authentically grow our brands. Here are some of the key takeaways:
Blogger Etiquette:
1) Always say thank you to PR brands that gift you and shout out to brands
2) Be responsive to emails from brands and respond as soon as you can, write thank you notes to brands who send PR invites and for gifting opportunities
3) If you are invited to a PR event and can’t make it, suggest another content creator to go in your place
4) Pitching-Keep pitches to 3 sentences or less, and keep DM’s short
5) Be YOU!
Working together with other creators:
1) Tag and mention all photographers
2) Give credit to where credit is due
3) When invited to PR events as a plus one, ask who invited you how you can support them and post for the brand
Rates and contracts:
1) Do not share contact with others without asking for permission
2) Get back to all PR contacts even if you are not interested in collaborating, politely decline
3) Posting with others: check to make sure everyone in the picture is okay to post, be authentic and actually read captions
4) Do not worry about follower count, worry about your page instead
Events Etiquette:
1) Always try to be on time for events, it shows that you care
2) Ask how you can help to capture content
3) Give credit where it’s due, to the venue, photographers, speakers, etc.
4) Post promptly
Food events and invites:
1) Capture the aesthetic; take the best pictures to represent the restaurant and food
2) Always tip, even if the event is complimentary
3) Take food home, do not waste
Thank you to Macy’s at Pentagon City Center for hosting us, our photographer Roberta Frazao for capturing the best moments and of course Lisa and Liz for sharing their tips and tricks on how to best brand ourselves!

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