The May Minneapolis Blogger Meetup was held this past Saturday May 18, 2019 at Macys Ridgedale Mall. The morning started with a flower crown making activity with @fleurfresh where we were able to learn more about STORY. We followed the day with lunch and our panel discussion. During this meetup we had the opportunity to hear from Taylor Brown (@taymbrown), Marianne Joachim (@iloveyroutfit) and Cristi Crepeau (@all.things.petite) who shared all their tips and tricks on to be successful on RewardStyle. We talked about a variety of topics; from how to get accepted into this program to how to better utilize the app Here are some helpful Insights from our panelists:

- When applying to RewardStyle, don’t focus on the number of followers but rather focus on your current engagement and current following.
- The commission that you earn depends on each retailer and it can be between 5%-15%.
- If you are under 10K followers and not able to use the swipe up feature, you can always try adding your profile link to your IG profile description.
- The Boutique Widget is very helpful tool that won’t break the bank and can be used on different blogpost.
- It’s always helpful to create a “Shop my post” page on your blog that automatically links your page. This way people are aware of you being in the app and can help increase your following.
- If you have the Swipe up feature its helpful to add your picture link to make it easier for your followers to find direct links to shop.

Thank you again Macys Ridgedale Mall, Story and Flowers for providing the space, delicious food and a fun time. We can’t wait for the June Meetup, follow us on Instagram @MinnespolisBloggers to get updates on our next meetup and other fun events!

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