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About our speakers:

Ro Ferrelli (roferrelli.com) is an intuitive life coach, motivational speaker and writer. She has a love of working one on one with women and guiding them on their spiritual and personal development. Coming from a rough start, Ferelli has transformed her life into one filled with love, life and joy. Ferrelli is now committed to sharing the wisdom and tools that women need to get unstuck, transform their mindset, free their spirit, grow into the best version of themselves and find the love, abundance and happiness they deserve.

Christina Nicholson (mediamavenandmore.com) is an award winning journalist with more than a decade of experience anchoring, reporting, writing, blogging and live TV. Nicholson has represented a wide variety of clients and has earned many publicity on national TV. She also coaches other business owners and brands how to be their own publicist. Nicholson has a firm in Coral Spring where she continues to excel in her industry.
Our Sponsors:

Thank you to Galuppi’s Restaurant & Special Events Venue for hosting our May Meetup!

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